Flooring is an important aspect of upgrading your home’s interior or a business’ flooring in style, yet for an affordable price, laminate flooring is a favorite by homeowners and business owners. It comes not only in a variety of finishes that mimic natural wood, stone and tile, but has the additional benefit of being simple to install. If you’re looking to re-energize your surroundings, CCTFLOORING can help guide you through the process. Follow our step-by-step guide on how to lay laminate flooring like a pro.
Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With Your Tools
All right, preparation is the key before starting. Gather all the proper tools and materials First Gather laminate planks, underlayment, spacers, tape measure, utility knife, saw, tapping block, pull bar, and rubber mallet. According to CCTFLOORING, you should always buy extra planks for when you mess up cutting or in case you need to make future repairs.
Step 2: Prepare the Subfloor
Congratulations on choosing laminate flooring as your new flooring option, but now you may be wondering — what’s the next step in the laminate installation process? Clear away any leftover flooring, and clean the subfloor. Look for issues with level and fix high spots with a floor patch or self-leveling compound, if needed. With the right prep, you won’t have joints or creaking after the fact.
Step 3: Install Underlayment
The underlayment is essential for laminate flooring, as it adds cushioning, soundproofing, and moisture protection. Spread the underlayment across the floor, making sure that each section slightly overlaps. Seal it down with tape to hold it steady. As the experts at CCTFLOORING point out, it’s essential to have the right underlayment, particularly if your kitchen or basement might be prone to moisture.
Step 4: Plan Your Layout
Plan your layout before cutting or installing any of the planks. For optimal appearance, measure the room and the alignment of the planks. Plank flooring is best laid parallel to the longest wall or in the direction of natural light. This little move saves you a few cuts, and makes it look more pro.
Step 5: Begin to Lay the Planks
Start installing along one wall, ensuring there’s a ¼ inch expansion gap between the flooring and the wall. This enables the natural expansion and contraction. Install spacers to keep that gap consistent during installation. Snap the first row of planks together so that the tongue-and-groove edges fit snugly. When you make progress, stagger the seams to provide extra strength and a natural effect.
Step 6: Cutting and Fitting
You’ll also inevitably need to trim planks to fit around corners, doorways and edges. For precision cuts, use a circular saw or jigsaw. Double check the measurements, CCTFLOORING recommend to measure two times before cutting to prevent waste. To give a clean finish around door frames, you may want to trim the door jambs, so the planks can slide underneath.
Step 7: Finishing Touches
After installing all of the planks, pull out the spacers and, if necessary, install baseboards or quarter-round molding to cover the expansion gap. Skip nailing into the laminate itself — fasten molding itself to the wall instead. Remove any dust and debris from installation and clean the floor well.
Advantages of CCTFLOORING Laminate Floors
Features of Laminate Flooring Available at CCTFLOORING Which You Must Know Selecting laminate flooring from CCTFLOORING ensures that you are with long-lasting products made from the finest materials that are easiest to install. Whether you are a DIY enthusiast or working with a professional installer, CCTFLOORING offers guidance from experienced professionals, top-quality materials, and customer support to help ensure your project is a success.
If you’re looking for a simple way to enhance the aesthetics of your home, laminate flooring is the ideal solution that requires minimal effort and budget based on the information provided by CCTFLOORING. From preparing your subfloor to finishing touches, each step ensures that your floors not only look good but perform well for years to come. CCTFLOORING are the high-quality laminate suppliers you can rely on during your laminate flooring journey.

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